
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Christmas Diy's

Hey guys how are ya'll doing? Hope your all ready for Christmas!? Christmas has to do with a lot of sweet treats and gifts.So,today's blog I'll be sharing some Diy ideas with common things lying around the house.
During the holiday season i love to bake some real good treats and end up making some fun easy diy's. Alright so let's get straight into them. This dosen't have to be only for Christmas you can do these all year round for any occasions.

1. The Glue Gun Snowflake:
Things you need;

  • -Hot glue gun
  • -Glue sticks
  • -trace paper/butter paper
  • -print any picture of your choice.
  • -Glitter powder
  • -Fevicol
  • -Paint


  1.  Print pic of your choice (make sure it's big and thick).
  2. Keep the trace paper on top to&make sure you can view the picture clearly(you cant use normal paper as it can burn).
  3. Get your glue gun ready and trace out the complete image carefully over the tracing sheet(i traced a snowflake).
  4. After you have fully completed,take the tracing sheet and quiclky remove the harden image separately.You'll be left with the image you traced.
  5. This is the method you can trace any picture or how many ever you need.
  6. Finally,apply fevicol all over the hardened glue image and apply glitters of your choice and hang it around using a string or metal chord.After your done tap the excess. Tada your snowflake is readyyy!
  7. If you want to make it more colorful,you can paint the snowflake first&allow it to dry.Then apply fevicol and sprinkle glitter.

2. Snow-Man In The House
Things needed;
  • Pair of white big socks
  • Dried beans/rice
  • Thread
  • Some buttons/beads/bulletin pins(round ones)
  • Black Marker
  • Fabric glue

  1. Cut the socks into two as seen in the pic.
  2. Next fill the bottom part with dried rice/beans upto the rim and seal it with a thread.
  3. Time to make the head and the body,the head part will be small so once you have distinguished between the head&body tie a thread in the center around tightly like a scarf.
  4. Now on to the hat,use the top part of the socks fold it and thread the other part.You can use a pom pom to make the fluffy ball like for the hat.Fix the hat on to the snowman now and glue it if needed.
  5. Your snowman is almost ready.For the eyes you can use small black beads or insert bulletin pins or use a marker to draw the eyes.For the nose use any color(red/orange/blue).You can glue some buttons to his belly and make him look more professional :D.
  6. You can even mix&match the hat and body by using different colored socks.

3.Candle lit Glitter Glasses:
Things needed;
  • Mason jar/Plain wine glasses(any size or shape)/Old wine bottles.
  • Glitters of choice
  • Fevicol
  • Small scented candles
  • confetti balls(any color or jus plain white)
  1. Take your wine glass/mason jar and have a blue print in your mind as to how you want to apply the glitter,say heart shape or half&half(top part one color and the bottom part another),you can go wild with you ideas.
  2. Once that's done,apply fevicol let's make a heart shape.Draw a heart shape using the fevicol make sure you dont apply too much fevicol as it can start dripping after you have sprinkled it with glitter.
  3. Now apply glitter over the heart and tap the excess.Let it dry.
  4. Once it has dried,fill halfway through with confetti.
  5. Place you candles in and light them.

4.Photo-frame Art:
Things needed;
  • Photo-frames(any size or shape)
  • Different satin ribbons
  • Glitters
  • fevicol
  • Paint
  • Cardboard/A4 sheet paper
  1. There's lot of ways you can transform a photo-frame.Let me explain a few of it and others i'll post pictures,it can be easily understood.
  2. First,remove the back side of the frame and cut a piece of cardboard the size of the frame.You can even do this using an A4sheet.
  3. Print any picture(Christmas tree,reindeer)and paste it to the cardboard,you can get creative by adding glitters,words,stickers.
  4. Fix this to the frame and voila it's over.
  5. You can use two or more frames and step it using a ribbon and fix the frames to the ribbon using a glue gun or rope.Add follow the above steps to decorate the frames.
  6. Last,remove the back and glass from the frame now you'll be left only with the outer case.Paint it,glitter it and hang in some Christmas decorations and finish it with a bow.

Ps: pictures from pinterest.

                        Let God be glorified

Until next time..adios amigos
Shielded in His love

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